ConferenceInternational Conference

The main purpose of the conference is to share, learn and multiply innovative practices that make a difference in teaching and learning for building a sustainable and just society.

The conference is initiated by the RCE Crete- Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (Greece) supported by the UNESCO Chair ICT in Education for Sustainable Development (University of Crete, Greece) and a wide number of Universities and RCEs globally.

The conference is open to academics, researchers, post-graduate students, teachers and professionals in various fields of teaching and research, from early years education to Higher Education.

Conference attendance is free of charge. The presentation of 15 minutes maximum should be submitted together with the final paper. The language of presentation and paper is English.

Papers and presentations in Greek are also accepted.

Publication in conference proceedings and collective books to be published are subject to a processing and editing fee, including dissemination in indexed open access repositories. The fee is 70 EURO for single papers and 120 EURO for papers with more than one author. The publication fee for post-graduate students is reduced to 50%.

Besides the conference proceedings and collective books, all the papers will be considered for submission after proper screening and preparation in selected journals suitable for the themes of the conference as well as in special issues in a number of journals. See the publication plan.