As documented in the rationale for undetaking this project, more and better qualified educators and practitioners related to the refugee crisis in the Middle East region are needed to respond to the educational, social-psycho-emotional, physical, and cognitive needs of children and youth affected by the refugee crisis and forced migration. Accordingly, the proposed project adopts an inter/multidisciplinary, holistic and systemic approach that at a wider level aims to build and strengthen the capacities of students, faculty, educators and teachers, including refugee teachers to respond to the educational needs of children and youth from conflict and displaced coutries. Specific objectives, within the aforementioned wider are to:

  1. Develop a blended in-service teacher training program leading to a post-graduate diploma of 60 ECTS in the partner HEIs focusing on refugee children education accessible for both Egyptian and refugee teachers.
  2. Support the development of the faculties of education in partner universities to align curriculum, teaching, learning and research in the area of refugee children education.
  3. Build capacity of academic staff at the faculties of education in order to contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the in-service teacher training program accessible to both Egyptian and refugee teachers.
  4. Develop innovative teaching, learning and curriculum materials in the form of an e-Tool Kit addressing refugee children education.
  5. Develop a Euro-Arab Network of Refugee Teachers to link up teachers teaching refugee children in host countries in Europe, in Middle East and North Africa as well as globally.